Sunday, 28 April 2013

Blue Book

It's a comic! It's a graphic novel! It's a book! But mostly, it's my debut as a comic artist. What started a few years ago as a blog called 366 frames has now been published by W.A.B. as a beautiful book called 566 kadrów (566 frames). I wrote the story, made all the illo's and designed the cover. So it felt like Christmas to unpack the box – still hot – delivered straight from my publisher. Have a look inside yourself. I can't wait to start my next comic project now. More on that soon.

Publisher here.
Buy the book here.
Read the blog here


Angielski tłumaczenia said...

Ostatnio czytałam coś zupełnie innego.

Phil Hall said...

Hello old friend, fancy dropping me a line? there's something I'd like to discuss with you :)
I hope you're really well and life is fine!